& speeches

Running A meeting

develop a strategic game plan for moving meetings along and making them more effective

There’s no greater drain on workplace productivity than meetings that drag on past their allotted time. With effective and efficient communication, most 40-minute meetings can be reduced to half an hour. Clarity coaches show clients how to develop a strategic game plan for moving meetings along and not letting them bog down in repetition and minutia. When the meeting leader imparts clear and concise information to the attendees, the meetings are not only shorter, but more effective in helping the team achieve its desired goals.

Each training plan is based on the specific goals and objectives and includes a focus on:

  • Setting participants’ expectations in advance

  • Establishing meeting’s goals at the beginning

  • Employing brevity and avoiding repetition

  • Setting ground rules for questions/participation

  • Speaking in a firm, declarative voice

  • Bringing clarity to next steps


Thanks to David’s simple and elegant way of explaining the value of personal communication and through personal practices, we learned very quickly techniques and strategies to give your best image in every meeting and presentation. It was a very enriching experience.
— Iñaki Romero, Paisaje Transversal